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Modelos de carta de solicitud en inglés para descargar Gratis
Te compartimos nuestros modelos de carta de solicitud en inglés, puedes descargar cualquier ejemplo de forma gratis y segura. Podrás descargar las plantillas de carta de solicitud en inglés y editarla fácilmente en Word. Para descargar, haz click en »Descargar» y luego abre el archivo para poder editarlo.
Parece un poco anticuado hacer una carta de solicitud en inglés en estos días. Sin embargo, esta carta es de gran ayuda para una variedad de temas: solicitudes de empleo, solicitudes de información, solicitudes de becas, etc.
Una carta de solicitud en inglés se puede presentar en diferentes escenarios. A continuación te mostramos algunos ejemplos de carta de solicitud en inglés para que descargues y edites de forma fácil.
Modelos de carta de solicitud en inglés para Descargar
Ejemplo de carta de solicitud en ingles para empleos
[Micho tita]
[123 Street Name, City Name, NY 12345, 333-333-333, MichoTita @email.com]
[1. October 2020] [John Pichai] [HR director]
[Main design]
[Commercial Street 222]
[Commercial City, CA 12345]
Dear [Mr. piccha], I am writing to apply for an article writer position at Principal Designs, as advertised online on the company’s Facebook page. For the past two years, I’ve mostly freelanced as a ghostwriter and blogger and have written extensively for the web. Therefore, I am confident that I have the experience needed to successfully complete an article writing job at your company. As a content writer, my writing style often has to be very versatile and creative. Every piece of content I write is different, so I am knowledgeable and easy to adapt to different tasks. My grammar is impeccable and I can write for different audiences regardless of age. Because I am so interested in writing for the web, I took a special web writing class where I learned many of the techniques and tools I use in my articles every day. I believe that my background and experience as a creative content writer for the web make me a perfect candidate for the Principal Designs article writer job. If you want, I can provide links to articles I’ve written and my portfolio so you can read and understand my writing style.
I hope to hear from you soon!
Thanks for your time and consideration.
[Micho tita]
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Ejemplo de carta de solicitud en ingles para información
[Carlos Bout]
[123 Street Name, City Name, NY 12345, 333-333-333, CarlosBaute @email.com]
[1. October 2020] [Main design] [Commercial Street 222]
[Commercial City, CA 12345]
To whom It May Concern,
For the past two years, I have been following your contributions to the online community and blog closely, publishing incredible articles and groundbreaking news. The quality of the content you write and the creativity of your posts are admirable. I have a Masters in Community Management and have been working as a creative content writer for an online blog for several months. Prior to this, I had been creating content for the web for four years as a freelancer. My writing skills are very versatile and my grammar is impeccable. I would love to have the opportunity to visit Principal Designs and get your feedback on where my skills would best benefit your business. I would ask more about the job opportunities the company might offer. If anything, I would be honored to be considered. It would be my dream to work as a creative content writer for a company I admire so much.
If you would like to contact me, you can email me at CarlosBaute@email.com or call me at 333-333-333. Thanks in advance for your time and consideration.
I look forward to hearing from you again soon.
Sincerely, [Carlos Baut. ]
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Ejemplo de carta de solicitud en ingles para una beca
[John Bonachon]
[123 Street Name, City Name, NY 12345, 333-333-333, JonhBonachon @email.com]
[1. October 2020] [Dallas Communication University]
[Commercial Street 222]
[Commercial City, CA 12345]
To whom It May Concern,
I hereby apply for admission to the MA in Online Marketing and Social Media for the 2021 academic year. Last year, I completed a bachelor’s degree in multimedia technology, specializing in community management. I graduated with the highest honors and graduated first in my class. During my time at ACM University, I did two internships to further supplement my studies. The first internship I did was e-commerce marketing strategy and the second was social media analysis. I’m very interested in growing my audience organically and measuring that growth accordingly in order to later implement an e-commerce focused sustainable marketing plan for any business looking to sell their business online. I firmly believe that the experience I gained during my internship and college prepared me best for my Masters in Online Marketing and Social Media. I really feel like I can contribute to this course and I will be a great asset.
Thank you very much for your time and consideration.
I look forward to hearing from you again soon.
[Jon Bonachon. ]
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Consejos para hacer una buena carta de solicitud en inglés
- Muestre su interés: siempre es una buena idea explicar por qué está particularmente interesado en el trabajo/beca/información. El destinatario quiere saber por qué esta solicitud es importante para usted.
- Superarse: Es crucial demostrar todos sus conocimientos y habilidades al escribir una carta de presentación en inglés, especialmente al solicitar un trabajo. Vale la pena, eres la mejor persona para el trabajo. Debe expresar confianza en sí mismo y en las habilidades que puede aportar al trabajo. Si puede hacer esto bien, sus empleadores creerán que usted es la persona ideal que están buscando. Consulte nuestros ejemplos de cartas de presentación.
- Personalizar: nunca envíe cartas copiadas de plantillas en línea, excepto para procedimientos administrativos. Una plantilla personalizada le mostrará al destinatario que te tomas esta solicitud en serio. Personalizar su carta mostrará sus verdaderos intereses. Si envía una copia de la carta o su plantilla genérica, le garantizamos que no será la misma. Descarga una de nuestras plantillas de cartas y personalízala
- Editar: siempre verifique su carta de solicitud en busca de errores gramaticales o caracteres confusos. Después de todo, nada es más profesional que un error gramatical. Ya sea que se trate de una solicitud de beca o de algo, hay ciertos procedimientos a seguir.
Descarga los Ejemplos de Carta de Solicitud en inglés Gratis para Word
Formato: | Word (Microsoft) |
Peso: | 25 KB |
Personalizable: | Sí |
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